10x partnership teams: how ChatGPT will change the partnerships game

The 2023 landscape for SaaS partnerships is, to put it plainly, unforgiving. The scale and intricacy of partner ecosystems are on an unprecedented upsurge. Revenue goals are skyrocketing, and a challenging economic backdrop is making them even more elusive to achieve. In short, it’s brutal out there.

And the stakes are high: far too often, we see partnership teams that fail to deliver significantly more revenue at risk of simply being cut. It sucks, but it’s true.

A huge part of the challenge lies in nurturing a successful SaaS partnership. On paper, a fruitful partnership seems like a seamless collaboration between two companies. However, in reality, it is the outcome of hundreds, if not thousands, of meticulously nurtured relationships among the individuals within those companies.

All of those people need to be onboarded, enabled, engaged, and nurtured. It’s a heroic task that most PAMs tackle almost entirely unassisted. In my experience, they do an incredible job. But the landscape is changing fast, and in order to succeed in the current partnership environment, one thing is becoming abundantly clear – PAMs need to become radically more effective. 

We need to 10X the PAM. 

But how?

ChatGPT has entered the…well…chat.

What if…

Let me be clear: AI alone isn’t going to solve all the challenges facing PAMs in the current partnership environment. In my experience, good partnerships are driven by real human connection. If you want to co-sell with someone, they need to know you, trust you, feel valued by you and be excited about your joint value proposition. You’re not going to win a major enterprise deal because an AE got a random generic message sent on your behalf by a bot. 

And manually using ChatGPT on its own isn’t going to cut it either. Sure, for many people, including myself, ChatGPT has become a super useful tool in day-to-day work. It makes me more productive in my personal daily tasks, but it’s certainly not the game-changer I want it to be (yet!).

But WHAT IF you had a ChatGPT-enabled AI assistant that understands the partnership game, and was able to tell you exactly who to engage, when and how?

WHAT IF every partner manager could meaningfully onboard, enable, and nurture ten times more people than they are currently able to?

WHAT IF these interactions didn’t feel generic or automated, but rather super personal?

WHAT IF your AI assistant let you know exactly what you need to do to be more successful, in real-time, and no task was ever forgotten again.

And WHAT IF this AI assistant wasn’t a platform you had to pull up every time you needed it, but rather hung out where you already work (in Slack!).

There are no what ifs and buts about it – almost any partnership manager worth their salt would jump at a tool like this. 

Which is why (big reveal) we built it!

What an AI assistant can (and should) do for you

Here’s how ChatGPT (and all the other tools we’ve integrated into and built for Superglue) is going to turn you into a 10X partner manager, in bullet points because bullet points mean business.


A ChatGPT-enabled AI assistant can do the following:

  • Provide real-time recommendations about who in your ecosystem you should onboard, enable, or nurture
  • Tell you what task to tackle next 
  • Work out how to drive more revenue and help you scale co-selling

Take action

A ChatGPT-enabled AI assistant can also do all of this:

  • Propose what specific action to take, and enable you to take that action - using existing tools and workflows
  • Draft hyper-personalized messages based on a person’s role, profile and past interactions - in your tone of voice – including JVPs and better-together stories
  • Allow you to approve, discard or customize the proposed engagement template or add that human touch, with a click of a button

From day one, this was our vision for Superglue. We thought it’d take much longer to achieve it, but ChatGPT (and our amazing tech team) have been an absolute blessing for us. 

Now, I’m pleased to announce that these functionalities are not just a list of “what ifs” – they’re live, and they’ve been successfully piloted. 

We’ve kept this functionality to ourselves for months, but you know what they say: sharing is caring… 

So, if you run a partner program with between 3 and 40 partner managers, get in touch if you want access. Trust me, you won’t regret it (even though I may be a little biased). 

It takes literally 13 minutes to connect Superglue to Salesforce, Crossbeam, Gmail, Slack, and ChatGPT. Let’s glue this thing! (See what I did there?)

Superglue makes PAMs radically more effective by delivering full visibility on what needs to be done, when and how, and driving action through smart, automated assistance. 

It’s a partner revenue engine with major juice. With Superglue, you can maximize your impact, drive much more revenue from partners, and build powerful partnerships at scale. 

You’ll never look back.

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